Lonja Portuaria s/n, 20110 Pasajes San Pedro, Gipuzkoa

Spain has become one of the main consumers of this Norwegian cod, a species that is only caught in the Arctic Ocean. Norway exported 927,000 tons of seafood products with an export value of 31.5 billion. The volume is the same as that registered last year, and export values increased by 485 million, or 2% compared to the first four months of 2017.

This is a wild fish that, when the time comes to reproduce, makes an enormous effort and swims over 1,000 kilometers upstream to spawn on the same stretch of coastline on which it was born. Skrei are regarded as an athletic fish with firm, white, juicy muscles that has won over the palate of Spaniards.

In a seasonal product that has become popular for fresh consumption in Spain due to its very low-fat meat and high protein content (21%). Moreover, “it is reasonably priced, at around 5 euros a kilo, and sells for around 9 euros in Spain”, adds Ingebrigtsen.

Importers report a good market, reflected in a 5% increase in volume and an 18% increase in value from 2017 to 2018 for fresh whole cod. In Spain, Skrei is regarded as the best Norwegian cod, almost like pata negra (premium ham) and is eagerly looked forward to every year. Supermarkets in Spain do a good job of marketing it in their catalogues and using other means.